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About Us Discover

Gurkha Cafe & Restaurant is a Nepalese and Indian restaurant based in the Heart of Edinburgh. This popular restaurant offers a unique journey through the Nepalese cuisine. As well as maintaining the authenticity of the food, Gurkha Cafe strives to elevate the dining experience by following the changing food trends in Nepal.

To join us please make a Online Reservation using our Online Booking Form. Gurkha Cafe has an extensive variety of extraordinary Nepalese delicacies as well as Indian all time favorite which are all prepared for a fantastic palate.

Gurkha Cafe’s long experience ensures the highest quality and the most mouthwatering dishes are served with passion and wisdom. From tasty Mo:Mo’s for a starter through to “Bhot ko Chelu” (traditional Nepalese Lamb dish cooked in herbs and spices with medium sauce) or Poleko Bhale Khukura (Medium spicy Chicken cooked in a chef’s secret blend of spicy) our cuisine ensures that dinners will have a unique and memorable dining experience.



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Public Relation

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Dining & Events Experience

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